Plant Profile - Tiarella


Quick Guide: spring/summer, hardy, shade, height: 20cm/8in, width: 60cm/24in

The foam flower, Tiarella cordifoli, like lily-of-the-valley is a good subject for cool shady places, where it will spread out to smother weeds with its soft green pointed leaves. Foliage is retained throughout the winter. Spikes of tiny, very pale pink flowers appear in early summer. No named varieties of this species are available. T. wherryi is similar but slow-growing, with attractive autumn foliage.

GROWING Set out young plants in autumn or spring in moist, rich, well-drained soil. Water in dry weather to maintain growth and apply an annual mulch of leaf mould or peat in spring.

PROPAGATION Divide established plants of foam flower in autumn or spring and replant rooted pieces immediately. T. wherryi does not divide easily.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Generally trouble-free.