Plant Profile - Stokesia


Quick Guide: summer, hardy, sun/semi-shade, height: 30-45cm/12-18in, width: 45cm/18in

Stokesia laevis is a wonderfully rewarding plant. It bears cornflower-like blooms of blue, lavender or creamy-white that are 10cm/4in across and continue right through the summer. Its long-lasting foliage and spreading habit contribute useful ground cover.

GROWING Set out young plants in spring in sun or partial shade in light, well-drained soil. Shelter from cold winds is appreciated and the plants should be staked with light twigs in early summer.

PROPAGATION Divide established plants in spring and replant without delay.

VARIETIES `Blue Star', light blue flowers, 7.5cm/3in across; `Silver Moon', white with lilac centre; `Cyanea' (above), lavender.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Generally trouble-free.