Plant Profile - Papaver (The Oriental Poppy)


Quick Guide: early summer, hardy, full sun, height: 60-90cm/2-3ft, width: 60cm/24in

The oriental poppy, Papaver orientale, is an eye-catching border plant bearing vivid but short-lived scarlet flowers up to 10an/4 in across. Cultivated varieties extend the colour range to pink, crimson and white.

GROWING Set out young plants in small groups in autumn or early spring in free-draining soil in a Sunny, open site sheltered from wind. Provide supporting canes for the growing plants. Cut back to ground level after flowering.

PROPAGATION Divide established plants in early spring and replant immediately. Alternatively, take root cuttings in winter and insert in a cold frame. Transfer to 7.5cm/3in pots of compost when 3 or 4 pairs of leaves have appeared. Stand outdoors in summer and set out in the autumn in the permanent site. Plants may also be raised from seed sown in spring in the greenhouse. 

VARIETIES `Black and White', white flowers, black centre; `Perry's White'; `King George', scarlet, frilled petals; 'Mrs Perry', soft coral; `Enchantress', carmine.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Downy mildew on leaves.