Plant Profile - Lavatera


Quick Guide: summer, half-hardy, full sun, height: 60cm/24in, width: 45cm/18in

Lavatera trimestris is an annual cousin of the perennial mallow, with larger flowers - they may be 10cm/4in across - which are excellent for cutting. Both pink and white forms are available. Lavatera makes a beautiful bushy plant whose long flowering period well justifies a place in the border.

PROPAGATION Sow seed in the flowering site in spring, or in the autumn for flowering the following year. Thin the seedlings to 45cm/18in apart when they are large enough to handle.

GROWING Light, well-drained soil is preferred. An over-rich soil will encourage foliage at the expense of flowers. Stake young plants with twiggy branches when they reach 10cm/4in in height. Discard plants after flowering.

VARIETIES `Silver Cup' (above), bright pink; `Mont Blanc', white.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Leaf spot and rust may occur.