
Quick Guide: summer, half hardy, full sun, height: 30cm-45cm/12-18in, width: 15-20cm/6-8in

The velvety flowers of nemesia are like a smaller version of antirrhinums, and come in an equally dazzling range of colours suitable for the summer border. The bushy plants bear their flowers in clusters above pointed, light green leaves.

PROPAGATION Sow seed in early spring under protection and with gentle heat. Prick the seedlings out into boxes when they are large enough to handle. Harden off before setting plants into their flowering positions in late spring.

GROWING Nemesias are cheerful, showy plants, but the blooms fade quickly if in very hot sun. Set in well-drained but moisture-retentive soil and keep well watered, especially in dry spells. Dead-head regularly. Discard plants after flowering.

VARIETIES `Blue Gem', small, sky-blue flowers; `Carnival Mixed', a compact strain at 23cm/9in high, in red, white, cream, yellowy, orange, bronze and blue.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Foot rot or root rot infection may cause plants to collapse at ground level.